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How to Show Worksheets Side-by-Side on Opening an Excel Workbook

The useful Save Workspace feature vanished with Excel 2013. This means that now you're left to your own devices if you want to give worksheets in your workbook their own windows.

For workbooks you use frequently, this is a real chore, overcoming which I present the following solution.

Last updated by David Wallis on 2024-05-15.


This lists summarises what I want to happen the instant I open the workbook:

Additonally, since to achieve all this I know I'll need some VBA code, that code must be easy to apply to any workbooks.

A Demo Workbook

If you want to try my code, then you'll need a workbook on which to try it. To produce this, create a new workbook that contains worksheets named Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr and Summary:

Window on Excel worsheet

You don't need to fill the sheets with anything, unless you find it helps.

I named my demo workbook Window Tiling Demo when I saved it. My objective is to achieve this arrangment of windows when I open it:

Tiled Excel windows

The Initial Code

All the code on this page I worked up in Excel 2019. I haven't tested it in other versions of Excel.

This is the bare code for a VBA prodedure that will run automatically when you open a workbook to which it is assigned:


Dim wbName$, wsName1$, wsName2$

Dim winCount%, i%

Sheets(wsName1$) = "Feb"

Sheets(wsName2$) = "Summary"

wbName$ = ActiveWorkbook.Name

Application.WindowState = xlMaximized

ActiveWindow.WindowState = xlMaximized


Application.Windows.Arrange _

ArrangeStyle:=xlArrangeStyleTiled, _

ActiveWorkbook:=True, _

SyncHorizontal:=False, _


Windows(ActiveWorkbook.Name & " - 1").Activate


Windows(ActiveWorkbook.Name & " - 2").Activate


End Sub

To test this code:

Now when you open your demo, the macro should kick in and organise the windows for you.

Understanding the Code

This line in Auto_Open forces Excel — the application — to maximise to full screen:

Application.WindowState = xlMaximized

This line makes certain the active window — a worksheet window —is maximised within the Excel window:

ActiveWindow.WindowState = xlMaximized

With everthing maximised, this line produces a new Excel window on the demo workbook:


At this point, at least two windows on demo are open and these get tiled, with synchronised scrolling of the windows turned off:

Application.Windows.Arrange _

ArrangeStyle:=xlArrangeStyleTiled, _

ActiveWorkbook:=True, _

SyncHorizontal:=False, _


Take note of the content of the title bars of the windows on display. Mine look like these:

Excel title bar example Title bar on Excel window

Excel has taken upon itself to suffix the title of the work book with a number to distinguish one window from another. Excel has also tacked on “ - Excel” (as if to say “Hello, it's me”) which can be ignored.

Check your title bars in case they do not follow this pattern, thus making it necessary for you to amend your code.

This pattern of window numbering is made use of in these statements:

Windows(ActiveWorkbook.Name & " - 1").Activate


Windows(ActiveWorkbook.Name & " - 2").Activate


Having activated the window in question, the procedure then selects which worksheets to display:

Windows(ActiveWorkbook.Name & " - 1").Activate


Windows(ActiveWorkbook.Name & " - 2").Activate


The choice of worksheets to display is determined by the assignments of their names to the wsName1$ and wsName2$ variables just below the start of the procedure:

Sheets(wsName1$) = "Feb"

Sheets(wsName2$) = "Summary"

Too Many Windows

If you save it on closing, then next time you open the workbook the macro might produce more windows than intended:

Too many tiles Windows

To prevent this happening, we need some additional code:


Dim wbName$, wsName1$, wsName2$

Dim winCount%, i%

Sheets(wsName1$) = "Feb"

Sheets(wsName2$) = "Summary"

wbName$ = ActiveWorkbook.Name

winCount% = Windows.Count

If winCount% > 1 Then

For i% = 2 To winCount%


Next i%

End If

Application.WindowState = xlMaximized

ActiveWindow.WindowState = xlMaximized


Windows(ActiveWorkbook.Name & " - 1").Activate


Windows(ActiveWorkbook.Name & " - 2").Activate


End Sub

If it detects more than one window, then what this new chunk of code does is close all but one of them.

Error Handling

I believe that all macros should contain code that intercepts any error that may occur as your macro is running and then deal with it accordingly. In Excel Macro Error Trapping and Handling I explain in some detail how to incorporate handling code into your procedures.

Now to incorporate the bare bones of error managment into Auto_Open:


On Error Goto errHandler

Dim wbName$, wsName1$, wsName2$

Dim winCount%, i%

Dim msg$, icon%, title$

Sheets(wsName1$) = "Feb"

Sheets(wsName2$) = "Summary"

wbName$ = ActiveWorkbook.Name

winCount% = Windows.Count

If winCount% > 1 Then

For i% = 2 To winCount%


Next i%

End If

Application.WindowState = xlMaximized

ActiveWindow.WindowState = xlMaximized


Windows(ActiveWorkbook.Name & " - 1").Activate


Windows(ActiveWorkbook.Name & " - 2").Activate



Exit Sub



icon& = vbOKOnly + vbCritical

msg$ = _

"Please take screen clip of this message." & _

vbNewline & vbNewLine & _

"If not, make note of following details." & _

vbNewline & vbNewLine & _

"Calling Proc: Auto_Open>" & _

vbNewLine & _

"Error Number: " & Err.Number & _

vbNewLine & _

"Description: " & Err.Description/p>

MsgBox msg$, icon%, title$

Resume procDone

End Sub

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Open Excel workbook Maximise Excel to screen View New Window Arrange All Vertical OK Left window, click Mar tab Right window Click Summary tab …

Now I'm ready to start work