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Microsoft® Excel Military Zulu Time UTC
Date Time Conversion

How to use a formula and formatting to convert a data and time in Excel into a military data/time that includes the time zone letter indicating the UTC time zone offset.

Last updated by David Wallis on 2024-05-03.


The date appearing in an Excel cell as dd/mm/yyyy HH:MM is required in the military format ddHHMMZmmmyyyy. The key to these forms is this:


Consider this input in cell A1 of the spreadsheet:
July 12th 2018 14:15

Applying to the cell a custom format of ddhhmm"Z"mmmyyyy will display the date/time as 121415ZJul2018.

I understand that sometimes the format requires JUL. I've been unable to create a custom format that will capitalise the Jul, so to achieve this I have used this formula in cell B1:


That formula yields the result 121415ZJUL2018 in cell B1.

Note that the formula is one long one with no spaces. So if you are copying it into Excel, make certain that no spaces appear in the formula and that the formula is not split across more than on cell

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David Wallis does not accept any liability for loss or damage to data to which any techniques, methods or code included in this website are applied. Back up your data; test thoroughly before using on live data.

Convert 12/07/2018 14:15 into 121415ZJul2018 or 121415ZJUL2018